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Introducing the New “A to M” Bonus Jackpot
Introducing the NEW “A to M” Bonus Jackpot, starting on 1st August 2024!…
全新“从A到M”积宝将于2024年8月1日正式启动! 为了创造更多的机会让每个人都能获胜,并确保各个位置的公平性,奖金位置将每天从A到M轮换,让每个位置都有平等的机会免费参与并赢取我们的每日积宝。 请期待这个新格式刺激的积宝吧!
$3,708,668 Big Bonus Has Been Won!
Your patience has paid off! Congratulations to all 263 winners of the Big…
Beware of Fake 6D Lottery Ticket
We’ve become aware of an increase in fake 6D lottery tickets, and it’s…
Happy 6th Year Anniversary!
Happy 6th Year Anniversary from GD Lotto! It’s been an honor to be…
Wishing everyone a Happy Moon Festival
Happy Moon Festival! 中秋节快乐!